Hammock House – 502 Pecan, Dermott, Arkansas
The Hammock House was built in 1911 by E. G. Hammock and Letie Cowling Hammock, and stands approximately 200 yards east of the site of the old McDermott home and McDermott family cemetery, in which the founder of Dermott is buried. Judge Hammock, born 2/12/1872, was an early mayor of Dermott and served as Chancellor of his district for a quarter of a century.
The Hammock House was bequeathed to the Dermott Chamber of Commerce by Captain John Hammock, the son of E.G. Hammock, in 1990, along with his family photographs and WWII papers and memorabilia, among other things. John Hammock was a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, achieved the rank of Captain during WWII, and was present when the Japanese surrendered in the Mariana Islands to the United States. An extensive collection of family photographs and Captain Hammock’s WWII service is catalogued in the Dermott Historical Museum.
The Chamber sold the home in the mid 1990s and recently repurchased it for preservation purposes. The home can be rented for special occasions, such as parties, weddings, rehearsal dinners, reunions, meetings, receptions, and photography.
If you are interested in learning more about this home and the fascinating Hammock family, the Dermott Chamber’s web site will carry updates periodically.
For reservations and rates, call 870-538-5917.