
Be sure to stop by the Amish and Country Store and Deli at the corner of Hwy 65 & 35. They have fresh veggies, breads,desserts for sale, unique gift ideas, great deli lunches every day and so much more. City of Dermott has recently added a serenity garden across the street from the City Hall on Iowa Street. It is a great area to sit and visit with your friends and neighbors. If you are looking for a great spot to host family gatherings, get some exercise, play some tennis or just a place for kids to go play, be sure to stop by the Glover Park on the edge of town on Hwy 35 East.

The Dermott Historical Museum, located on Iowa Street, just east of City Hall, has many historical references. You will be amazed at all the history you will find. Be sure to get a look at the antique truck sitting inside. For more information, contact Nancy Jolly or Janice Parkerson.

The Dermott Historical Museum, Inc. has been a working progress since 2002. The Grand Opening was July 21, 2007. On Opening Day, the Dermott High School Class of 1952 had their class reunion. The museum has an extensive collection of photos and information on the Dermott area founding families, World War II memorabilia, house hold items, farming and work tools and business equipment.

A red, 1936 Dodge Fire Truck was given to the museum by the Dermott Volunteer Fire Dept. A group of firemen moved the fire truck to the museum in August, 2005. The fire truck was purchased by the city of Dermott in 1936 and was driven from Indiana to Dermott that winter by ” Frog” Parker and Joe Kirby. It is the first pumper fire truck ever owned by the city.

The museum is currently seeking people that have a long association with the Dermott area for oral history interviews. Please contact Janice Parkerson at 870-538-3496 or Nancy Jolly at 870-538-3509. Hours: Tues & Thurs 2-5 p.m. Address: 215 E. Iowa, Dermott